[BJT Page 32] [\x 32/]
[PTS Page 007] [\q 7/]
11112||1222|1212 vip 22122|1221||2122|1212
pathyà x 2 2122|1221||2222|1212
vip 21212|2222||2222|1212
vip 32211|21212
Vetàlãya x 4 112211|21212
[PTS Page 008] [\q 8/]
pathyà x 2 2222|1222||2222|1211
[BJT Page 32] [\x 32/]
pathyà x 2 2122|1222||1222|1211
11221||2211|1212 irregular 82122|1222||2211|1212
pathyà x 3 2222|1221||1222|1212
[PTS Page 009] [\q 9/]
pathyà x 2 1122|1222||2221|1212
vip 12122|1221||1222|1212
pathyà x 2 2212|1222||1222|1211
pathyà x 2 1221|1221||2222|1212
End Notes
1 BJT, ChS: Appamàdavaggo; Thai: Dhammapadagàthàya dutiyo Appamàdavaggo
2 Thai: amataü padaü
3 BJT: nibbàõaü, always this spelling
4 BJT, Thai: satimato; -ã- in the text is m.c. to give the normal cadence.
5 Metre: we have to count the first syllable as short here to correct the metre.
6 ChS: omit ca
7 Metre: For this variation in the opening see the Introduction.
8 Metre: this is one place in the Dhammapada where, if the rule of resolution holds, then the metre is wrong, as this is not a known variation. Alternatively (with Norman, WD, pg 68) we could count the 4th syllable as resolved, and we then have pathyà. It seems to me that the former is more likely, the prosody having been disturbed as this line is the opposite of 26a.
9 Metre: we might have expected a reading pamàdaü, as the labial m is incorrect by normal grammatical standards, and, contra Norman (WD) it doesn't help the metre, which still has to be considered irregular.
10 PTS: pa¤¤àpàsàdaü
11 ChS: bhåmaññhe
12 Editor's note: Thai, appàdena, printer's error
13 BJT: parihàõàya
14 BJT: nibbàõa-
15 ChS: Appamàdavaggo dutiyo niññhito